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air freight and sub-business is on sea freight etc,.,founded in 1996. Stimulated by the increasing shipping market in HongKong, Macau and the Pearl River Delta Opon Economic Zone, CAU with it’s headquarter in ShenZhen.the pivot of the transportation net work in southern China, has protected a network of global transportation and information in service on the basis of it’s harmonious with devotedly and customers highest’ spirit you expect from the trusted CAU name.

      Since setting up the company, has leading managing level and service consciousness.operating level closed to the internative transportation fellow agents in this area, also honesty trust’and customers highest service spirit , along with the increase of service requirment in logistics area by all circles within the country or abroad, to adapt the speeding of global economic integration.course and development of inernational work divding to depth adminstrative levels.CAU is trying her best unremittingly to provide customers all over the world professional air, sea,land-carriage, express etc transit services, universal service in shipping like customs declaration,commodity inspection, insurance, storage, packing and even customs clearance at destination are also available.
利用香港、广州、深圳、澳门和珠海五大空港国际航班密集的上风,捉住中国加入WTO物流工业蓬勃发展的良好机遇,借助华南地区发达的高速公路网络,配备安全快捷的卡车运输,施展香港自由商业港和深圳特区保税区等多方面的政策上风,鼎力发展大珠三角空运物流服务。近年来, 国际进出口公司空运立足大珠三角,不断向全国各地延伸拓展,借助高效的公路运输网络和专业的清关能力,奇龙国际进出口公司能够为海内外的出产商和入口商提供良好的物流服务。奇龙国际国际货运是海内企业走向世界的桥梁,也是国外商品进入中国的捷径,为您提供多全面优质的空运服务。

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